Lost Viking Army

Forensic archaeologist Cat Jarman and her team investigate the Great Heathen army, a legendary Viking fighting force that invaded England in the 9th century. (60 minutes)

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Tue, 4/23 at 6:00 pm on Austin PBS WORLD

Making North America: Origins

The shaping of North America, including palm trees that once thrived in Alaska and an eruption that nearly tore the Midwest in two. (60 minutes)

Tue, 4/23 at 11:00 pm on Austin PBS WORLD

Making North America: Origins

The shaping of North America, including palm trees that once thrived in Alaska and an eruption that nearly tore the Midwest in two. (60 minutes)

Wed, 4/24 at 7:00 am on Austin PBS WORLD

Making North America: Origins

The shaping of North America, including palm trees that once thrived in Alaska and an eruption that nearly tore the Midwest in two. (60 minutes)

Wed, 4/24 at 9:00 pm on Austin PBS HDTV

Making North America: Life

The intertwined story of life and the landscape in North America -- from origins to dinosaurs and an ancient primate invasion. (60 minutes)

Thu, 4/25 at 2:00 am on Austin PBS HDTV

Making North America: Life

The intertwined story of life and the landscape in North America -- from origins to dinosaurs and an ancient primate invasion. (60 minutes)

Fri, 4/26 at 3:00 am on Austin PBS HDTV

Making North America: Life

The intertwined story of life and the landscape in North America -- from origins to dinosaurs and an ancient primate invasion. (60 minutes)

Sun, 4/28 at 2:00 am on Austin PBS HDTV

Making North America: Life

The intertwined story of life and the landscape in North America -- from origins to dinosaurs and an ancient primate invasion. (60 minutes)