Life From Above.

Life From Above

Moving Planet

Cameras in space offer a new perspective of life on Earth as satellites follow an elephant family struggling through drought and thousands of Shaolin Kung Fu students performing in synchronicity. (60 minutes)

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Fri, 5/3 at 3:00 pm on Austin PBS HDTV

Moving Planet

Cameras in space offer a new perspective of life on Earth as satellites follow an elephant family struggling through drought and thousands of Shaolin Kung Fu students performing in synchronicity. (60 minutes)

Fri, 5/3 at 4:00 pm on Austin PBS HDTV

Colorful Planet

Viewing Earth's kaleidoscope of colors, including swirls of turquoise phytoplankton, China's blooming yellow flowers, and the night waters near Argentina that are spotted with green lights. (60 minutes)