On Air Sponsorship
Becoming an Austin PBS Business through on-air sponsorship offers community-minded businesses the unique benefit to connect with the community amidst the nation’s consistently most-trusted and intelligent content.
Research consistently cites on-air sponsorship of Austin PBS programming as brand-enhancing and creating a sense of reciprocity from the viewing community. Sponsorship of Austin PBS and PBS programming offers community-minded businesses the opportunity to reap the benefits of associating with the nation’s most intelligent and trusted content. Your sponsorship investment provides credibility and a sense of reciprocity from the community.
Austin PBS viewers are exactly who you expect them to be. As business and community leaders, patrons of the arts, and conscientious parents and their children, they tune in to Austin PBS each week for safe, trusted, entertaining and educational programming. Greet an audience that tunes IN instead of out.
Enjoy greater share of voice with Austin PBS’s average of just over 3 minutes of non-programming minutes an hour and a succinct spot format. Your message has significantly greater retention rates in Austin PBS’s clutter-free broadcast environment.
A benefit unique to public broadcasting - your investment in Austin PBS sponsorship positions your company as a good corporate citizen with a commitment to excellence. Austin PBS viewers have a preference to do business with Austin PBS sponsors and see them as socially responsible, innovative and trustworthy.
Austin PBS is committed to designing sponsorship programs that are unique to your business’ specific needs in engaging the Austin PBS Community. We aim to be as flexible and creative as possible sto assist you in getting the most from Austin PBS sponsorship.