Independent Lens.

Independent Lens

Made in Boise

Four surrogates and the parents-to-be navigate pregnancy and the mixed emotions of their families who worry about the potential physical and emotional complications of carrying babies for someone else. (90 minutes)

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Mon, 5/6 at 10:00 pm on Austin PBS HDTV

Space: The Longest Goodbye

NASA psychologists prepare astronauts for the extreme isolation required by a Mars mission. (90 minutes)

Wed, 5/8 at 6:30 pm on Austin PBS WORLD

Space: The Longest Goodbye

NASA psychologists prepare astronauts for the extreme isolation required by a Mars mission. (90 minutes)

Wed, 5/8 at 11:30 pm on Austin PBS WORLD

Space: The Longest Goodbye

NASA psychologists prepare astronauts for the extreme isolation required by a Mars mission. (90 minutes)

Thu, 5/9 at 7:30 am on Austin PBS WORLD

Space: The Longest Goodbye

NASA psychologists prepare astronauts for the extreme isolation required by a Mars mission. (90 minutes)

Fri, 5/10 at 7:00 pm on Austin PBS WORLD

Hidden Letters

Modern women in China are drawn together by the once-secret written language of Nushu, the only script designed and used exclusively by women. (90 minutes)

Sat, 5/11 at 12:00 am on Austin PBS WORLD

Hidden Letters

Modern women in China are drawn together by the once-secret written language of Nushu, the only script designed and used exclusively by women. (90 minutes)

Sat, 5/11 at 8:00 am on Austin PBS WORLD

Hidden Letters

Modern women in China are drawn together by the once-secret written language of Nushu, the only script designed and used exclusively by women. (90 minutes)

Sat, 5/11 at 11:00 am on Austin PBS WORLD

Hidden Letters

Modern women in China are drawn together by the once-secret written language of Nushu, the only script designed and used exclusively by women. (90 minutes)

Sat, 5/11 at 2:00 pm on Austin PBS WORLD

Hidden Letters

Modern women in China are drawn together by the once-secret written language of Nushu, the only script designed and used exclusively by women. (90 minutes)

Mon, 5/13 at 6:30 pm on Austin PBS WORLD

The Donut King

The life story of Christy's Donuts founder Ted Ngoy, who built a multimillion-dollar company in the U.S. after fleeing Cambodia. (90 minutes)

Mon, 5/13 at 11:30 pm on Austin PBS WORLD

The Donut King

The life story of Christy's Donuts founder Ted Ngoy, who built a multimillion-dollar company in the U.S. after fleeing Cambodia. (90 minutes)