American Experience.

American Experience

Reagan: Lifeguard

How Ronald Reagan's opponents underestimated him as he made the transition from acting to public office. (120 minutes)

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Fri, 4/26 at 7:00 pm on Austin PBS WORLD

Poisoned Ground: The Tragedy at Love Canal

The 1970s Love Canal disaster and how the battle for justice, led mostly by women, created the basis for the federal Superfund program. (120 minutes)

Sat, 4/27 at 12:00 am on Austin PBS WORLD

Poisoned Ground: The Tragedy at Love Canal

The 1970s Love Canal disaster and how the battle for justice, led mostly by women, created the basis for the federal Superfund program. (120 minutes)

Sat, 4/27 at 8:00 am on Austin PBS WORLD

Poisoned Ground: The Tragedy at Love Canal

The 1970s Love Canal disaster and how the battle for justice, led mostly by women, created the basis for the federal Superfund program. (120 minutes)

Sat, 4/27 at 2:00 pm on Austin PBS WORLD

Poisoned Ground: The Tragedy at Love Canal

The 1970s Love Canal disaster and how the battle for justice, led mostly by women, created the basis for the federal Superfund program. (120 minutes)