Elinor Wonders Why.

Elinor Wonders Why

The Tomato Drop; Look What I Can Do

Elinor, Ari and Olive enter the tomato drop contest at the Animal Town Tomato Festival; Elinor and Ari notice their friends are good at soccer, but they are not. (30 minutes)

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Mon, 3/17 at 11:00 am on Austin PBS HDTV

Teacher's Day; The Nose Knows

Elinor and her friends surprise Mz. Mole for Teacher's Day; a pig named Rudy helps Elinor and her friends sniff out some truffles. (30 minutes)

Mon, 3/17 at 12:00 pm on Austin PBS Kids

Tasty Rainbow; Olive Gets the Big Picture

The kids learn the benefits of eating different colored foods; Olive tries to get a picture of a puffin. (30 minutes)

Tue, 3/18 at 11:00 am on Austin PBS HDTV

Water You Doing?; Thinking About Blinking

Elinor and friends build a log bridge over a stream; the kids set out to learn everything they can about blinking when Ari is crowned the blinking champion at school. (30 minutes)

Tue, 3/18 at 12:00 pm on Austin PBS Kids

Speedy Swimming; Strawberry Jam

Elinor learns how webbed feet help ducks and other animals get around in the water; Elinor and Olive plan a camping breakfast for Elinor's dad's birthday. (30 minutes)

Wed, 3/19 at 11:00 am on Austin PBS HDTV

Just Mist; Crayon Quest

The kids take a field trip to a cloud forest and learn that clouds have water in them; the kids learn how crayons are made. (30 minutes)

Wed, 3/19 at 12:00 pm on Austin PBS Kids

Going With the Tide; Slime Time

The kids try to build a sandcastle, but have trouble finding the right spot on the beach; Elinor uses slime to get a stuck ring off Camilla's finger. (30 minutes)

Thu, 3/20 at 11:00 am on Austin PBS HDTV

Butterfly Babies; Elinor's Circus

While observing butterflies and caterpillars, the kids realize they've never seen a baby butterfly; Elinor, Ari and Olive put on a circus for their friends. (30 minutes)

Thu, 3/20 at 12:00 pm on Austin PBS Kids

Butterfly Babies; Elinor's Circus

While observing butterflies and caterpillars, the kids realize they've never seen a baby butterfly; Elinor, Ari and Olive put on a circus for their friends. (30 minutes)