Elinor Wonders Why.

Elinor Wonders Why

Ms. Mole's Glasses; Elinor Stops the Squish

Elinor and her friends set out to return Ms. Mole's glasses to her after she forgets them at school; Elinor and her friends want to bring Ms. Mole a cupcake for her birthday. (30 minutes)

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Sun, 9/29 at 12:00 pm on Austin PBS Kids

Spice Is Nice; Ari's Muscles

Elinor and her friends learn what makes Olive's mom's curry so spicy; Ari's muscles hurt after playing too much baseball. (30 minutes)

Mon, 9/30 at 11:00 am on Austin PBS HDTV

Feed the Birds; Senor Tapir Says Adios

Elinor worries how her chickadee friend Chicky will find food during the winter; Elinor and her friends decide to give Senor Tapir a going away present. (30 minutes)

Mon, 9/30 at 12:00 pm on Austin PBS Kids

Big Trees; Baby Steps

Ari tries to make the world's tallest toy block tower, but it keeps falling over; Elinor and Ari try to teach Ari's baby sister how to walk. (30 minutes)

Tue, 10/1 at 11:00 am on Austin PBS HDTV

Olive's Library; Nature Walk

Olive creates a lending library so she can share her books with everyone in Animal Town; Elinor, Olive and Ari make a Nature Walk for Nature Day at school. (30 minutes)

Tue, 10/1 at 12:00 pm on Austin PBS Kids

Underground Soup; Dandy Dandelions

Ari and Olive make Elinor's favorite snack, backyard soup, when she is stuck at home after hurting her foot; Elinor becomes fascinated with dandelions. (30 minutes)

Wed, 10/2 at 11:00 am on Austin PBS HDTV

The Violin Lesson; Flying High

Crickets inspire Olive to play her violin; while flying in a hot air balloon, Elinor and her friends learn why birds fly high. (30 minutes)

Wed, 10/2 at 12:00 pm on Austin PBS Kids

A Change of Art; The Litterbug

While painting outdoors, Elinor and her class experiment with natural items that they find after they run out of paint; Elinor, Ari and Olive help Mrs. Hippo pick up litter. (30 minutes)

Thu, 10/3 at 11:00 am on Austin PBS HDTV

Underground Soup; Dandy Dandelions

Ari and Olive make Elinor's favorite snack, backyard soup, when she is stuck at home after hurting her foot; Elinor becomes fascinated with dandelions. (30 minutes)