

The Cheetah Children

A cheetah mothers her five newborn cubs on her own, protecting them and teaching them how to hunt on the African plains. (60 minutes)

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Wed, 5/1 at 7:00 pm on Austin PBS HDTV

Season of the Osprey

Cameraman Jacob Steinberg captures the struggles, failures and triumphs of an osprey family over the course of five years. (60 minutes)

Thu, 5/2 at 12:00 am on Austin PBS HDTV

Season of the Osprey

Cameraman Jacob Steinberg captures the struggles, failures and triumphs of an osprey family over the course of five years. (60 minutes)

Thu, 5/2 at 3:00 am on Austin PBS HDTV

Season of the Osprey

Cameraman Jacob Steinberg captures the struggles, failures and triumphs of an osprey family over the course of five years. (60 minutes)

Sun, 5/5 at 4:00 am on Austin PBS HDTV

Season of the Osprey

Cameraman Jacob Steinberg captures the struggles, failures and triumphs of an osprey family over the course of five years. (60 minutes)

Sun, 5/5 at 7:00 pm on Austin PBS WORLD

Season of the Osprey

Cameraman Jacob Steinberg captures the struggles, failures and triumphs of an osprey family over the course of five years. (60 minutes)

Sun, 5/5 at 11:00 pm on Austin PBS WORLD

Season of the Osprey

Cameraman Jacob Steinberg captures the struggles, failures and triumphs of an osprey family over the course of five years. (60 minutes)

Mon, 5/6 at 7:00 am on Austin PBS WORLD

Season of the Osprey

Cameraman Jacob Steinberg captures the struggles, failures and triumphs of an osprey family over the course of five years. (60 minutes)