Baking With Julia.

Baking With Julia

A Three-Tiered Wedding Cake With Martha Stewart, Part 1

Martha Stewart whips up a three-tiered wedding cake with rum buttercream icing. (30 minutes)

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Wed, 6/26 at 1:00 pm on Austin PBS HDTV

Chocolate Napoleon & Ice Cream Sandwich With Gale Gand

Gale Gand prepares chocolate napoleons and fettuccine ice-cream sandwiches. (30 minutes)

Thu, 6/27 at 1:00 pm on Austin PBS HDTV

Banana-Chocolate Beignets With Norman Love

Norman Love prepares espresso profiteroles, choux paste, cucumber-dill choux puffs and chocolate-cinnamon beignets. (30 minutes)

Fri, 6/28 at 1:00 pm on Austin PBS HDTV

Bagels With Lauren Groveman

Lauren Groveman makes bagels, matzos, pumpernickel bread. (30 minutes)

Mon, 7/1 at 1:00 pm on Austin PBS HDTV

Nectarine Upside Down Chiffon Cake With Mary Bergin

Pastry chef Mary Bergin prepares a chocolate cake with creme brulee and a nectarine upside-down chiffon cake. (30 minutes)

Tue, 7/2 at 1:00 pm on Austin PBS HDTV

Decorative Loaves With Steve Sullivan

Steve Sullivan prepares walnut bread; decorative loaves. (30 minutes)

Wed, 7/3 at 1:00 pm on Austin PBS HDTV

Pecan Sticky Buns and Savoury With Nancy Silverton

Nancy Silverton prepares twice-baked brioche, brioche pockets, pecan sticky buns and brioche tart. (30 minutes)