This American Land.

This American Land

Friends of the Cheat River; Navajo Water; Saving the Red Wolf

A citizen-led effort in West Virginia overcomes pollution from mines and restores clean water; an innovative program provides running water to Navajo nation homes; a captive breeding program saves the red wolf. (30 minutes)

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Sun, 3/16 at 12:00 pm on Austin PBS WORLD

Smith Island; The Benefits of Beavers; Mississippi Wetlands

What has changed for residents of Maryland's Smith Island; how beaver dams help restore rivers during droughts and after wildfires; protecting and restoring the Lower Mississippi Alluvial Valley. (30 minutes)

Sun, 3/23 at 12:00 pm on Austin PBS WORLD

Right Whales; Bird Collisions; Arizona Groundwater; Renegade Rancher; Camp Hale

Saving right whales in the waters off New England; bird-friendly building ordinances; a groundwater free-for-all in Arizona; water challenges along the Colorado River; Colorado's Camp Hale/Continental Divide. (30 minutes)