Daniel Tiger's Neighborhood.

Daniel Tiger's Neighborhood

Daniel and Miss Elaina Put Their Things Away; Daniel and Prince Wednesday Put Their Things Away

After Miss Elaina loses her mitten, her mom teaches her how to put things away so she can find them later; Prince Wednesday loses his comic book. (30 minutes)

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Wed, 6/26 at 8:00 am on Austin PBS HDTV

Daniel Gets Frustrated ; Frustration at School

Daniel gets frustrated when he is unable to do what he wants to do; Daniel is upset when he can't find a toy at school. (30 minutes)

Wed, 6/26 at 9:00 am on Austin PBS Kids

Daniel Waits for Show and Tell; A Night Out at the Restaurant

Daniel is excited to share his book at show and tell; Daniel and Katerina have a tough time waiting at a restaurant. (30 minutes)

Wed, 6/26 at 9:30 am on Austin PBS Kids

Prince Wednesday Goes to the Potty; Daniel Goes to the Potty

Prince Wednesday doesn't want to stop what he is doing to go to the bathroom; Daniel uses the bathroom at Music Man Stan's Shop. (30 minutes)

Thu, 6/27 at 8:00 am on Austin PBS HDTV

Duckling Goes Home; Daniel Feels Left Out

The children are sad to learn that Ducky can no longer be their classroom pet; after visiting O the Owl and Katerina Kittycat, Daniel is sad when it's time to go home. (30 minutes)

Thu, 6/27 at 9:00 am on Austin PBS Kids

Daniel Helps Take Care of Margaret; Daniel Goes to the Dinosaur Playground

Nana Platypus helps take care of Daniel when Dad Tiger is unable to pick him up from school; Daniel's class takes a field trip. (30 minutes)

Thu, 6/27 at 9:30 am on Austin PBS Kids

Mr. Malik Comes Back to School; Daniel's Wintertime Walk

Mr. Malik helps the class get ready to meet his pet hermit crab; Daniel and Katerina don't want to stop playing in the snow. (30 minutes)

Fri, 6/28 at 8:00 am on Austin PBS HDTV

Neighbor Day

Daniel learns the benefits of doing good deeds. (30 minutes)

Fri, 6/28 at 9:00 am on Austin PBS Kids

Daniel and Miss Elaina Put Their Things Away; Daniel and Prince Wednesday Put Their Things Away

After Miss Elaina loses her mitten, her mom teaches her how to put things away so she can find them later; Prince Wednesday loses his comic book. (30 minutes)

Fri, 6/28 at 9:30 am on Austin PBS Kids

Miss Elaina's Bandage; A Fair Place to Play

Miss Elaina makes bandages that look like her skin color; Chrissie and her friends build a playground ramp so Chrissie can climb to the top of the slide, too. (30 minutes)