Sun, 3/16 at 9:00 am on Austin PBS Kids
Daniel Visits School; Daniel Visits the Doctor
Daniel is nervous when he visits school for the first time; Daniel makes a book about his doctor to help calm his nerves before his checkup. (30 minutes)
Sun, 3/16 at 9:30 am on Austin PBS Kids
Mr. Malik Comes Back to School; Daniel's Wintertime Walk
Mr. Malik helps the class get ready to meet his pet hermit crab; Daniel and Katerina don't want to stop playing in the snow. (30 minutes)
Mon, 3/17 at 8:00 am on Austin PBS HDTV
Daniel Doesn't Want to Go Potty; Daniel Sits on the Potty
Daniel learns that it's important to try to go potty before leaving the house; Daniel learns that sometimes when your tummy hurts, it could mean that you have to go potty. (30 minutes)
Mon, 3/17 at 9:00 am on Austin PBS Kids
Daniel Helps Take Care of Margaret; Daniel Goes to the Dinosaur Playground
Nana Platypus helps take care of Daniel when Dad Tiger is unable to pick him up from school; Daniel's class takes a field trip. (30 minutes)
Mon, 3/17 at 9:30 am on Austin PBS Kids
Daniel's Birthday; Daniel's Picnic
Daniel's birthday cake is smushed during a bumpy ride on Trolley; Daniel, Prince Wednesday and Miss Elaina enjoy their picnic despite the rain. (30 minutes)
Tue, 3/18 at 8:00 am on Austin PBS HDTV
Daniel Makes a Noise Maker; Daniel Makes the Neighborhood
Daniel and Katerina have to make their own noisemakers when Margaret wants her rattle back; Daniel, Prince Wednesday and Miss Elaina create a pretend neighborhood. (30 minutes)
Tue, 3/18 at 9:00 am on Austin PBS Kids
Daniel Finds Out What's Fair; O Finds Out What's Fair
Daniel wants to ride in the stroller, but Margaret needs it; O gives up sitting in the front of Trolley for Jodi, who gets carsick sitting in the back. (30 minutes)
Tue, 3/18 at 9:30 am on Austin PBS Kids
Friends Help Each Other; Daniel Helps O Tell a Story
Daniel helps Katerina reassemble her tea set after it is knocked on the floor; Daniel helps finish a story about dinosaurs. (30 minutes)
Wed, 3/19 at 8:00 am on Austin PBS HDTV
Time for Daniel; There's Time for Daniel and Baby Too
Daniel gets upset when Dad interrupts their playtime so he can care for baby Margaret; Daniel is upset when Prince Wednesday wants to play with the baby instead of him. (30 minutes)