A Taste of History.

A Taste of History

Coastal Texas Treasure: Port Aransas, Texas

Fishing tales and seafood creations in Port Aransas, Texas; how Texas spices meet the Gulf Coast. (30 minutes)

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Sat, 3/22 at 12:30 pm on Austin PBS HDTV

The Tex-Mex Republic

Local food favorites and the history of the Republic of the Rio Grande in Laredo, Texas; recipes include puffy chalupas and beef tenderloin with huitlacoche. (30 minutes)

Sat, 3/29 at 12:30 pm on Austin PBS HDTV

Coastal Texas Treasure: Port Aransas, Texas

Fishing tales and seafood creations in Port Aransas, Texas; how Texas spices meet the Gulf Coast. (30 minutes)