Sesame Street.

Sesame Street

Worms Want to Play

Frankie the worm wants to play with her cousins, but they moved far away. (30 minutes)

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Sat, 3/15 at 7:00 am on Austin PBS Kids

Sesame Street Self-Portraits

Elmo, Tamir, Charlie, Julia and Cookie Monster make self-portraits. (30 minutes)

Sat, 3/15 at 9:00 am on Austin PBS HDTV

Sesame Street's Lunar New Year Celebration

Lily, Qui and Ji-Young celebrate Lunar New Year on Sesame Street. (30 minutes)

Sun, 3/16 at 7:00 am on Austin PBS Kids

Sesame Street Song Day

It's Song Day on Sesame Street; Mia learns how to sing "Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes" in Spanish with help from her friends Nina, Rosita, and Lalo; she learns that she's special just the way she is, no matter how much or little Spanish she speaks. (30 minutes)

Mon, 3/17 at 5:30 am on Austin PBS Kids

Prairie Dawn's Cookie Party

Prairie Dawn is hosting a cookie party where all the cookies are baked in all kinds of shapes; Cookie Monster is excited to eat all the octagon shaped cookies but needs to figure out which of the cookies are octagons. (30 minutes)

Mon, 3/17 at 7:00 am on Austin PBS Kids

Jumpin' in the Rain

Elmo tries to find something to do in the rain, while he waits to jump in the puddles. (30 minutes)

Mon, 3/17 at 9:00 am on Austin PBS HDTV

Jumpin' in the Rain

Elmo tries to find something to do in the rain, while he waits to jump in the puddles. (30 minutes)

Tue, 3/18 at 5:30 am on Austin PBS Kids

Jumpin' in the Rain

Elmo tries to find something to do in the rain, while he waits to jump in the puddles. (30 minutes)

Tue, 3/18 at 7:00 am on Austin PBS Kids

The Sign Language ABCs

It is Alphabet Day on Sesame Street; Cookie Monster makes letter-shaped cookies and there are decorations all around; Elmo meets Charlie's friend Mathis and learns that he communicates using American Sign Language. (30 minutes)

Tue, 3/18 at 9:00 am on Austin PBS HDTV

The Sign Language ABCs

It is Alphabet Day on Sesame Street; Cookie Monster makes letter-shaped cookies and there are decorations all around; Elmo meets Charlie's friend Mathis and learns that he communicates using American Sign Language. (30 minutes)