Elinor Wonders Why.

Elinor Wonders Why

The adventures of an observant and curious bunny rabbit named Elinor and her friends Ari the bat and Olive the elephant.

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Sat, 4/20 at 12:00 pm America/Chicago on Austin PBS Kids

Olive's Library; Nature Walk

Olive creates a lending library so she can share her books with everyone in Animal Town; Elinor, Olive and Ari make a Nature Walk for Nature Day at school.

Sun, 4/21 at 12:00 pm America/Chicago on Austin PBS Kids

A Moth Mystery; Just Peachy

Fluttering moths distract the kids when they try to sing their new Sunny Summer Song; the kids give away peaches to their friends in Animal Town.

Mon, 4/22 at 11:00 am America/Chicago on Austin PBS HDTV

Big Trees; Baby Steps

Ari tries to make the world's tallest toy block tower, but it keeps falling over; Elinor and Ari try to teach Ari's baby sister how to walk.

Mon, 4/22 at 12:00 pm America/Chicago on Austin PBS Kids

Follow That Roly Poly; Rain, Rain Don't Go Away

The Exploring Club discovers that there is an entire community of critters living under logs; Elinor, Ari and Olive learn how rain is helpful to plants and animals.

Tue, 4/23 at 11:00 am America/Chicago on Austin PBS HDTV

Echo Location; Ears to You

Olive and Elinor learn about echoing voices when playing Marco Polo with Ari; while at the lake, Elinor and her friends realize they can't see ears on certain animals.

Tue, 4/23 at 12:00 pm America/Chicago on Austin PBS Kids

Water You Doing?; Thinking About Blinking

Elinor and friends build a log bridge over a stream; the kids set out to learn everything they can about blinking when Ari is crowned the blinking champion at school.

Wed, 4/24 at 11:00 am America/Chicago on Austin PBS HDTV

Feed the Birds; Senor Tapir Says Adios

Elinor worries how her chickadee friend Chicky will find food during the winter; Elinor and her friends decide to give Senor Tapir a going away present.

Wed, 4/24 at 12:00 pm America/Chicago on Austin PBS Kids

Butterfly Party; More Than One Right Way

Olive wants to organize something special for her mom's birthday; Elinor, Ari and Olive make spiderweb decorations for Ms. Mole's classroom.

Thu, 4/25 at 12:00 pm America/Chicago on Austin PBS Kids

Burrowing Owl Girl; Olive's Tree

Elinor finds a peculiar-looking owl while visiting her grandparents in the desert; Olive and her friends investigate why a tree has fallen over in the forest.