Since its 1988 premiere, this critically acclaimed documentary series has presented hundreds of films that put a human face on contemporary social issues by relating a compelling story in an intimate fashion. "POV" has won virtually every major film and broadcasting award available, including 38 Emmys, 22 Peabody Awards and three Oscars.

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Wed, 12/25 at 6:00 pm America/Chicago on Austin PBS WORLD

An Act of Worship

Muslim Americans offer perspectives on pivotal moments in U.S. history and policy from the past 30 years.

Wed, 12/25 at 11:00 pm America/Chicago on Austin PBS WORLD

An Act of Worship

Muslim Americans offer perspectives on pivotal moments in U.S. history and policy from the past 30 years.

Thu, 12/26 at 7:00 am America/Chicago on Austin PBS WORLD

An Act of Worship

Muslim Americans offer perspectives on pivotal moments in U.S. history and policy from the past 30 years.

Wed, 1/1 at 6:00 pm America/Chicago on Austin PBS WORLD

Against the Tide

The friendship between two Koli fishermen in Bombay is fractured by the weight of a changing world and a sea threatened by climate change.

Wed, 1/1 at 7:30 pm America/Chicago on Austin PBS WORLD

Who I Am Not

Sharon-Rose Khumalo, a South African beauty queen, faces an identity crisis after discovering she's intersex.

Wed, 1/1 at 11:00 pm America/Chicago on Austin PBS WORLD

Against the Tide

The friendship between two Koli fishermen in Bombay is fractured by the weight of a changing world and a sea threatened by climate change.

Thu, 1/2 at 12:30 am America/Chicago on Austin PBS WORLD

Who I Am Not

Sharon-Rose Khumalo, a South African beauty queen, faces an identity crisis after discovering she's intersex.

Thu, 1/2 at 7:00 am America/Chicago on Austin PBS WORLD

Against the Tide

The friendship between two Koli fishermen in Bombay is fractured by the weight of a changing world and a sea threatened by climate change.

Thu, 1/2 at 8:30 am America/Chicago on Austin PBS WORLD

Who I Am Not

Sharon-Rose Khumalo, a South African beauty queen, faces an identity crisis after discovering she's intersex.

Sat, 1/4 at 11:00 am America/Chicago on Austin PBS WORLD

Who I Am Not

Sharon-Rose Khumalo, a South African beauty queen, faces an identity crisis after discovering she's intersex.

Sun, 1/5 at 9:00 pm America/Chicago on Austin PBS WORLD

Fruits of Labor

A teenager with dreams of graduating high school and going to college is forced to work when ICE raids threaten her family.

Mon, 1/6 at 1:00 am America/Chicago on Austin PBS WORLD

Fruits of Labor

A teenager with dreams of graduating high school and going to college is forced to work when ICE raids threaten her family.