Is There Anybody Out There?

Born with a rare disability, filmmaker Ella Glendining finds others who have had the same experience, which changes how she views herself in the world. (90 minutes)

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Wed, 2/26 at 6:00 pm on Austin PBS WORLD

Brief Tender Light

At MIT, a Ghanaian alum follows four African students striving to become agents of positive change for their home countries. (90 minutes)

Wed, 2/26 at 11:00 pm on Austin PBS WORLD

Brief Tender Light

At MIT, a Ghanaian alum follows four African students striving to become agents of positive change for their home countries. (90 minutes)

Thu, 2/27 at 7:00 am on Austin PBS WORLD

Brief Tender Light

At MIT, a Ghanaian alum follows four African students striving to become agents of positive change for their home countries. (90 minutes)